On Saturday, September 9, the ACARA will be participating in the annual “Ohio State Parks on the Air” (http://ospota.org/) field event at Strouds Run State Park. Note the new location: we’ll be at the Bobcat Shelter on State Park Road near the swim-beach and boat-rental office. (Here’s a Google map: https://goo.gl/maps/aXDbUcdk5qRPETZ18.)
Ohio State Parks on the Air (OSPOTA) runs from 1400 UTC to 2200 UTC, which is 10am to 6pm local time. The event takes place on HF and is SSB only. We will be using the ACARA’s Elecraft K3 100-watt transceiver and an End-Fed Halfwave antenna for this operation.
We’ll begin set-up at 9am and, weather permitting, we’ll operate the full eight hours until 6pm. All members are invited to participate and, because we’ll be operating with the club’s callsign (W8UKE), anyone who wants to operate the station can regardless of their license-class. And don’t worry if you don’t have much experience on HF or with contests–experienced Elmers will be there to help!
A report with photos of the ACARA’s 2022 effort is available here: https://www.ac-ara.org/?p=1772.
As has become a tradition, we’ll have a food get-together at 5pm at the Bobcat Shelter. All members and their guests are invited. Bring a dish to share and your own beverage and serving-ware.
I hope to see you at Strouds Run!
Eric McFadden, WD8RIF
President, Athens County Amateur Radio Association