
ACARA regularly participates in several contests as a club. Some of them are listed below.

ARRL Field Day held the last full weekend in June. Next will be June 29-30, 2018 operating from the Athens County Fairgrounds

Ohio State Parks on the Air OSPOTA held the second Saturday in September. The next will be September 8, 2018 operating from Strouds Run State Park.

Ohio QSO Party

ARRL Ten Meter Contest held the second full weekend in December. The club also presents the NC8V Memorial Trophy for the highest individual point total during this contest. Our 2013 contest winner was recognized at our annual Holiday Party at Lui Lui Restaurant. Congratulations to John Biddle, W8PG.

Our own Greg Weinfurtner, NS8O won the CQ World Wide WPX Contest for 2008. <a href=”” target=”_blank”>Certificate</a>