The ARRL 10-Meter Contest is the weekend of December 9-10, 2023 UTC. Full rules for the ARRL 10-Meter Contest can be found at
The ARRL 10-Meter Contest is important to Athens County Amateur Radio Association (ACARA) members for two reasons:
- The club participates in the ARRL 10-Meter Contest as a club, in the Affiliated Club Competition in class “Local”. Members who will be operating at a location within 35 miles of uptown Athens will be eligible to participate in the Affiliated Club Competition. When you prepare your 10-Meter Contest submission to ARRL, simply list “Athens County ARA” in the “Club Name” field and your score will count toward the ACARA’s Affiliated Club Competition score.
- The ACARA member submitting the highest score to the ARRL will win the coveted NC8V Memorial Trophy which is presented annually in recognition of the life and accomplishments of past-member John Cornwell, NC8V (SK). The current holder of the NC8V Memorial Trophy is Drew McDaniel, W8MHV.
I will be announcing the winner of the NC8V Memorial Trophy at the Annual Holiday Dinner on December 19, so please send me the number of stations you worked and your submitted score prior to the evening of Monday, December 18.
I hope to hear you on the air during the ARRL 10-Meter Contest. Since we are at or very near the peak of the current solar cycle, propagation promises to be very good on 10-meters this year. Good luck!
Eric McFadden, WD8RIF
President, Athens County Amateur Radio Association
Four members participated in the ARRL 10 Meter Contest and submitted to to ARRL. The top three participants were very close in score:
#1 John Biddle, W8PG, 157 QSO, SSB, x60, 18,840 pts
#2 Paul Schulz, WD8SCV, 153 QSO, SSB, x61,18,666 pts
#3 Carl Denbow, N8VZ, 153 QSO, SSB, x59, 18,054 pts
#4 Eric McFadden, WD8RIF, 52 QSO, CW, x22, 4,576 pts
The winner of the NC8V Memorial Trophy for 2023 is John Biddle, W8PG. The trophy was presented to John at the ACARA’s annual Holiday Dinner on December 19, 2023. Congratulations, John!