Training Materials and Resources:
The Athens County Amateur Radio Association usually conducts an annual class to prepare for the entry-level Technician license starting around January each year if there is enough interest. Notice of the class will appear here and on the home page. We will finish the class by conducting our own test session. We will also offer a follow-up test session at our hamfest which is usually the last Sunday in April. For questions or to register contact:
Technician license classes begin Monday, January 13, 2025. The only fee for the class is the cost of the study manual should you need one. We will have them available at the first class at our cost ($28). The class schedule may be found here.
Exam Session, Monday, March 17, 7:00 PM – Registration starts at 6:30 PM. Fee is $15. Bring two forms of ID (one picture) Once you pass the license exam, the FCC will assess a $35 new license fee. Once the successful completion paperwork is submitted to them, they will contact you about how to pay the fee so you can have your new callsign issued.
Study materials for ham radio licensing may be found at any of the links below. Anyone wishing to test for the Technician license after July 1, 2022 should obtain study materials for the test pool questions effective that date. The question pool has changed significantly. Don’t try to test using the old test pool questions. Learning Morse code is not a requirement for any class license now. Links for Morse code training are included as it is helpful to begin studying code when you begin your Technician license study if you wish to operate CW as you move up in license class.
Exam sessions in the area are listed on our master club calendar or search the exams or hamfests databases below.
The listing of the following links on this page do not represent any particular endorsement by the ACARA of any of the study materials available from these vendors. They are merely listed to assist potential new hams in finding study materials that may not be readily available at a local bookstore.
ARRL Licensing Manuals and Videos