2m Tape Measure Yagi & Copper J-Pole Build Session: Sunday, April 21, 2024

We have picked Sunday, April 21st as the date for the ACARA build of TWO Antenna projects. Start time is 1 p.m. and the build will take place at the Red Cross of Southeastern Ohio, 100 South May Ave., Athens.

Kirk Groeneveld, KC8JRV, will lead the build of a two meter tape measure Yagi which is suitable for foxhunting, public service or ARES events, or for permanent installation. Kirk has three kits available via RSVP for $20 each. Contact Kirk at kirkg177@gmail.com. Kirk has produced a “shopping list” for those who want to procure their own materials for a tape measure Yagi: Tape_Measure_Yagi_KC8JRV.pdf

Jeff Slattery, N8SUV, will lead the build of a folding “Copper Cactus” J-Pole antenna which is suitable for portable or permanent use. Jeff will have kit pricing available soon. Contact Jeff at n8suz@yahoo.com.

If you are interested in attending either of these builds, please contact the respective build-leader to RSVP.

These builds will take place outside, so please remember they’ll be dependent upon the weather.

The timing of this event was carefully selected, as it is a weekend with no other competing club events. If prospective builders need connectors, coax, or other additional material, there will be time to acquire these items.

Eric McFadden, WD8RIF
President, Athens County Amateur Radio Association