The ACARA club-build of the 40m End-Fed Halfwave (EFHW) antenna has been scheduled for 2pm on March 26, 2023, at the Red Cross of Southeastern Ohio, 100 South May Ave., Athens.
The build is being led by Paul Schulz, WD8SCV.
Paul will be making available ten kits, of which seven are spoken for.
The EFHW antenna will be approximately 67′ long and is coaxial fed at one end. The antenna should provide no-tuner-needed coverage of 40, 20, 15, and 10m, and will handle more than 100-watts.
The cost of the project will be $40 for everything required to build the end-feed transformer (toroid, hardware, SO-239 connector, and weather-proof case). For an additional $10, Paul will provide the 67′ of radiator-wire and a wire-winder. The builder will need to provide his/her own coaxial feedline, but this won’t be needed at the build-session. All the tools necessary to build the antenna will be provided at the build.

Join us on the 26th to build your antenna, to help others build their antennas, or just to socialize and see what’s happening.
Eric McFadden, WD8RIF
President, Athens County Amateur Radio Association