Report: ARRL Field Day 2024 (Updated 2024-11-02)

The ACARA participated in the largest operating event in the Amateur Radio calendar, ARRL Field Day, on Saturday and Sunday, June 22-23, 2024, at the Athens Red Cross. Using the special event callsign “K8V”, the club succeeded in making 848 contacts on HF, and 6 meters, using CW, SSB, and FT8. Because of the weather forecast for extreme heat, Field Day Chairman Paul Schulz, WD8SCV, and the ACARA Executive Committee made the decision to switch the Field Day location from . . .

Report: ARRL Field Day 2023

The Athens County Amateur Radio Association (ACARA) participated in the 2023 ARRL Field Day as W8MHV with 100-watt stations at the Athens County Fairgrounds. Under the direction of Field Day Chairman Paul Schulz, WD8SCV, the club participated as W8MHV in class 2A, meaning two transmitters, club or non-club group, power output of 100 watts or less. A total of 716 QSOs and 1,150 of bonus points resulted in a score of 3,518 points. A breakdown of QSOs per band can . . .

Report: Field Day 2019

The ACARA participated in the largest operating event in the Amateur Radio calendar, ARRL Field Day, on Saturday and Sunday, June 22-23, 2019, at the Athens County Fairgrounds. The club succeeded in making 631 contacts on HF and 6 meters, CW and SSB. For a full report with photos visit ACARA President and Field Day 2019 Chairman wishes to thank everyone who helped make Field Day a fun, instructional, and safe event! Eric McFadden, WD8RIFPresident, Athens County Amateur Radio . . .