ACARA Field Day 2020 (Updated November 20, 2020)

2020-11-20: Scroll to bottom for update.

The ACARA’s big operating event of the year, ARRL’s Field Day, is to be held this year on the weekend of June 27 and 28.

Unfortunately, this year, due to the continuing coronavirus situation, the ACARA will not be participating in ARRL Field Day as a group. Instead, ACARA members are encouraged to perform their own, individual, Field Day operations, either at home or in the field.

I’ve prepared a document which, I hope, answers most questions members might have about how to perform an individual Field Day operation: ACARA Field Day 2020 (updated June 11, 2020).

This document will be a living document, one that I will update as members pose questions or make suggestions, so check back often for updates.

UPDATE: A sample press release is now available: Press Release. Change the contact information at the top and in the last paragraph to your own information; change the date to the date you create your document; edit paragraphs three, four, and five to reflect your own plans and objectives; and then email the document to the newspaper, radio station, or television station of your choice to earn the 100-point Media Publicity bonus.

Please send questions and/or suggestions to me at

Eric McFadden, WD8RIF
President, Athens County Amateur Radio Association

UPDATE 2020-11-20: ARRL Field Day 2020 Results have been posted within the December 2020 QST and online ( and

As a club, the ACARA earned 6,204 points with seven submissions by members:

WD8RIF: Class 1B-Battery 245 QSO, 5w, 3,000 points
W8MHV+N8MHV: Class 1E, 204 QSO, < 150w, 1,158 points
N8SUZ: Class 1B, 146 QSO, < 150w, 942 points
N8VZ: Class 1B, 117 QSO, < 150w, 718 points
KE8LRZ + Bob: Class 1E, 40 QSO, < 150w, 250 points
KB8TAD: Class 1D, 16 QSO, < 150w, 82 points
KD8FRQ: Class 1D 2 QSO, < 150w, 54 points